

A liberal arts education offers 学生 a wide range of real-world applicable skills and also serves as a great tool for graduate school admission.

考虑到今天的经济形势, some analysts and experts express skepticism and doubt about the value of a college education, 尤其是文科教育. Many argue that blue-collar jobs and associate-level degrees are more practical than incurring student loan debt in a cluttered job market. On the contrary, a liberal arts college education can actually be more valuable now than ever.

更多: 文科学位物有所值吗?

Obtain What Employers Are Searching for With an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts

Managers looking for well-rounded employees Typical college degrees can sometimes pigeonhole graduates into one industry or even into one specific career. With today’s roller coaster economy, a degree that has a narrow focus could limit your job prospects. Many employers seek well-rounded professionals to fill new or vacant positions. 在线文科学位可以……

An 文科副学士 Is a Holistic Approach to Education

Liberal Arts degree focuses on well-rounded graduates

The average employee in today’s workforce is expected to be a jack-of-all-trades. Employers seek talented and qualified candidates who possess an array of competencies and aptitudes that include more than simply the ability to perform the job at hand. Hiring managers want candidates who have a well-rounded skill set, including communication and leadership skills, 强烈的判断力和道德感, strategic problem solving capabilities and at least a basic understanding of business and technology. 更多: An 文科副学士 Is a Holistic Approach to Education

The Versatility of a Liberal Arts Associate Degree

现在, 更甚于以往, a college education opens new doors to a more successful career, 否则将继续关闭. 所有的工作都需要高中学历, but in order to be noticed in a stack of applications, 或者被认为是“可雇佣的”, 大学教育绝对是必须的. Those who posses a Liberal Arts degree tend to experience higher marketability as employers look for versatility, multi-field skill set and readiness for a responsibility-based position. 更多: The Versatility of a Liberal Arts Associate Degree

Associates Degrees Bring Single Mothers Back to School

Many people are returning to school to earn college degrees, and a large percentage of these people are single mothers. Often, the goal is to become more competitive in an increasingly difficult job market. Sometimes, it's to become more upwardly mobile in a current job. 无论如何, a college degree will open more doors than a high school diploma and will increase the earning power of the degree holder. This can be especially important for single mothers who are struggling in the current economic climate. 更多: Associates Degrees Bring Single Mothers Back to School

Who needs an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts? 每一个人!

What can you do with an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts in today’s job market? 很多! A Liberal Arts degree is a very versatile tool as you are not limited to a specialization as you are with other majors. Most employees will change jobs five to seven times in their lifetime and an Associates in Liberal Arts will help the person maintain flexibility in our current volatile economic times.

更多: Who needs an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts? 每一个人!

Brescia University is a Growing Catholic School in 肯塔基州

Brescia University is located in Owensboro, 肯塔基州, the third largest city in 肯塔基州. Brescia is the only Catholic university in the area that makes up of the Tri-State region of Illinois, 肯塔基州, 和印第安纳州. Brescia sets itself apart from the many universities in this area by providing a rich education combined with personal and spiritual support. 更多: Brescia University is a Growing Catholic School in 肯塔基州